Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Just Add Glitter

Hello everyone! It's been a busy week, so I haven't been able to post as much as I would like. I've been preparing to have my taxes done. Let's face it, taxes are only fun if you get money back. I'm not sure how it will pan out, but let's hope it goes well.

I have been designing quite a bit lately, so if you check out my store Hawke and Bloom , you'll notice a lot of new products. I am pretty sure I went from 600ish to 933 very quickly. That may seem like a lot of products to non-Zazzlers, but I have a lot of catching up to do with other designers who have 50,000+ products. Most of the Zazzlers who have thousands of products have been at this for years. I am sure I could add a ton of products in a short period of time, but I want to ensure that my designs are quality designs.

Growing up, I never was much of a girly girl. I HATED the color pink and didn't really like wearing dresses much either. Blame it on my love for sports. The older I get, the more I have appreciated the girly things in life: pastels, glitter, floral patterns, and yes, even PINK (dresses are still hit and miss with me). Graphic design has helped me shape my likes and dislikes. I used to hate designing girly logos, but now I actually prefer creating beautiful designs. Lately, I have really loved using glitter elements in my designs. Here are some of my new glitter-themed designs (keep in mind that this is faux glitter):

Pink and Gold Glitter Striped Throw Pillow
Pink and Gold Glitter Striped Throw Pillow by hawkeandbloom
Browse other Glittery Pillows

 As always, if there's a product you'd like to see in my store or you would like me to create a design in a different color, email me: jessletterman@gmail.com

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